Infinity SUP raceboards

What Infinity SUP Raceboards are in the lineup this year?

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Let's take a look at this years SUP raceboard offerings

It’s an easy choice to make and yet there are some considerations you need to factor in

  • What length board do I get?
  • Will I be riding in mixed conditions or am I after the ultimate performer for flat water or rough?
  • How wide a board can I cope with?
  • Does volume make a difference?
  • How tough does it need to be?

Infinity Whiplash

The Infinity Whiplash is a flatwater board, and 2022 sees the board taking on a new form, with it being hollow.

Much like the Starboard Sprint, the Whiplash is designed to pierce and peel the water open with minimal effort.

Unlike the Blackfish, the Whiplash only comes as a 14ft model, with widths between 21 to 24 inches, so it is clear this board is really aimed at the more serious and seasoned paddler.

I’ve had a few Whiplash boards, and experienced how fast they are, but always wanted a wider board of around 24. My last board was a 22, custom model, and whilst it was super slick in the water, it was too tippy and as such I couldn’t put the power down.

infinity whiplash nose shape
infnity blackfish sup board flat deck

What length?

Infinity offer boards in 12’6 and 14ft lengths to cover all classes.

The Infinity Blackfish Candice Series run from 12’6 to 14 and go from 23 to 27 wide, so lots of options for paddlers of different skill sets and sizes.   Do bear in mind, that when looking at a board of 27 wide, you’ll find it super stable, but a bit sluggish compared to something a bit narrower.   That said, i you are looking for volume, consider going to a longer board of 14ft as that volume is better placed than in the 12’6 model.

The 14ft Infinity Blackfish is pretty much the same as the Candice Series,

What’s the best length of board for me?

For most people, the 14ft board is the goto race board length.   Most GBSUP races are aimed at this board length and in general the 14ft boards offer better glide.

That said, if you’re a smaller person, maybe 75kg or less, you may refer to have more board control on a shorter board, but that said, you could also try a 14ft board, that is a bit narrower.

Board volume

Having the right volume is crucial. It is so important that your board is not digging too deep and low in the water, especially or flat water performance.

In my experience, a bard like the Whiplash, needs to sit flat on the water, and you should have room to move back and forth on the deck without overly sinking either end.

If this means going for a wider model, then it is worth looking at, to get the most from the board.

infinity sup uk whiplash


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