SUP Surfers Gathering November 2015

The plan is simple – to meet a load of new sup surfers from all over the country who love the waves.


Location: St Ives, Cornwall – Sandy Acres will be the central parking area

Dates: A weekend in second half of November 2015

Costs: Nothing other than your own travel and food – sleep in your van if you can

Weather: We’ll keep an eye on long range forecasts

Level of paddlers: Everyone is welcome, but it does help if you can sup surf already.   Some locations have varying degrees of skills required so we can gauge the spot based on who is coming.

Kit: Most people will have their own

Lessons: None but I am sure you’ll meet people who are happy to give some pointers

Safety cover: None, this is not an organised event or competition. It is jut a bunch of paddleboarders getting together and surfing to spread the love


We are going to keep everyone informed by our FACEBOOK EVENT SIGN UP PAGE


You will see the main header post on our facebook page relating to this trip . Please comment on it if you are up for a road trip and joining us.


“It would be great to make this an annual pilgrimage so let’s pull together and make something happen for the sup surfers among us.  All this racing lark’s getting boring.”



We run regular beginner to improver wing sup surfing lessons.


Total beginner to advancing sailor.


We can cater for all levels in some tunning locations.


You’ll have so much fun with your pals in between the other amazing things you’ve got planned.

With over 35 years experience, we are fully insured and certified with:

Rya Instructor Certified
Asi Qualified Paddleboarding Instructor